Wonderful town Gussing. If anyone going to Austria, please visit this beautiful place. Friendly, hospitable people. Beautiful landscape with the castle of Gussing.
In this town we had a great time on the Outlyre Harp Festival https://www.facebook.com/harpcommunity/
I was glad to meet talented musicians and performers Sabine James (Austria — France), Calvin Arsenia (USA), Severine Vidal (France) and Simon Huntley (USA).
On the Harp Festival I presented my animation about harp and the theatre show with a light painting (Наlina Savelyeva, Theatre Dom Solntsa).
We also had a great workshops for the harpists students. On one workshop we played the Spider Theme (Lumiere Tales tune). You can find the sheet music for this tune here
My great thanks to Sabine James and to all family Koller-James! My great thanks to our amazing team! My great thanks to talented students!
I’m so happy to meet you!
With best wishes,
Ivan Solas (Lumiere Tales)